Dr. Norman's Natural Progesterone Cream


Perimenopause is neither natural nor inevitable; it has been created by changing lifestyles and environment. Excess estrogen has led to estrogen dominance; causing hormonal imbalances in women at an even-earlier age and to a significantly greater degree than has ever been known. Estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency is epidemic among women in industrialized countries. Estrogen dominance leads to promotion of cancer, dangerous side effects and severe PMS and menopausal symptoms. Synthetic hormones-estrogen, antidepressant drugs, and surgery are not the answer. Natural progesterone is essential to counter-act estrogen dominance; however, natural progesterone is not widely recommended by doctors due to mental politics dictated by pharmaceutical profits.


 Scientific and clinical studies have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt estrogen, in any form, produces an assortment of adverse side effects in women. Symptomatic effects include bloating, breast tenderness, cramping, irritability, depression, bleeding and weight gain. Long term effects of estrogen include hypertension, exacerbation of liver disease, venous thrombosis or blood clotting, increase in heart attack and stroke risk, endometrial cancer, cancer of the uterus, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.


The entire basis of the FDA approving estrogen for birth control pills was the result of a single clinical study conducted on 132 Puerto Rican women who had taken the pill for a period of one year. Five of those women died during the study. There is no valid scientific proof that estrogen is a safe contraceptive.


There is not a single study to date that even suggests HTR will prevent osteoporosis or heart disease. However, there are recent studies that indicate just the opposite. Estrogen slows down the Bone-rebuilding process, making bones more brittle and susceptible to fracture. Even the American Heart Association now takes the position that HTR does not prevent heart disease, and in fact may increase the incidence of heart attacks in women.


Androstenedione, an estrogen precursor, is available in high concentration in the fatty tissue in a woman's body. Cholesterol, which is high in concentration in fatty tissue, provides a great store of estrone. Estrone converts the androstenedione into endogenous estrogen, which is estrogen manufactures from the body tissue rather than estrogen produced by the ovaries. The result is that a constant supply of estrogen augments the estrogen being produced by the ovaries. This excess estrogen is stored in the form of adipose, or fat, which is deposited in the breasts, buttocks and hip areas. Often women on a strict diet and exercising regularly cannot lose weight. Exercise and diet will not result in weight loss if the woman remains estrogen dominate.


Horse urine. "Premarin" is an acronym for "pregnant mares" urine: Factory farmed horses are impregnated than confined from the fourth month through the end of their eleven-month pregnancy so their urine can be collected. Their foals are slaughtered for sale. The urine is manufactured into HRT and birth control pills.


The condition where a woman has deficient, normal, or excessive estrogen but little or no progesterone to balance its effects in her body. Even a woman with low estrogen levels can suffer from estrogen dominance if she doesn't have proper levels of progesterone.


AGING PROCESS Sometime in their mid-thirties both estrogen and progesterone levels begin to drop in women. Estrogen levels drop by 40 to 60%; however, progesterone levels drop to the point where a woman is producing near zero, leaving the woman severely deficient in progesterone. When women stop producing progesterone naturally, estrogen is left unopposed, leaving the woman's body out of hormonal balance.

STRESS When under stress the adrenal gland produces cortisol. Cortisol is antagonistic to progesterone; cortisol counter-acts the positive effects of progesterone, which leads to adrenal exhaustion and symptoms of chronic fatigue, while increasing estrogen dominance.

NSAIDS (NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DRUGS) Decongestant and analgesic such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) have a negative effect on nutrient levels. NSAIDS contain liver-damaging toxins that result in vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, and beta-carotene deficiencies.

ANOVULATORY CYCLES Begging in her early twenties a woman may not ovulate during her monthly menstrual cycle. Ovulation is the primary method by which a woman's body makes progesterone. Failing to ovulate leads to a significant drop in progesterone levels, leaving estrogen unopposed, allowing the gap between progesterone and estrogen to grow.


Magnesium is an important hormone transporting mineral intimately connected with the ability of the woman's body to maintain hormone balance. Estrogen depletes magnesium levels; while magnesium counter-acts the effects of estrogen. Estrogen excites the brain causing nervousness, agitation, insomnia, and arteries to spasm, inducing migraine headaches. Magnesium has a calming effect, induces sleep, and keeps arteries and blood vessels open. Magnesium is an exceedingly important risk factor in maintaining overall health and vital in the fight against estrogen dominance. Estrogen is processed through the liver, vitamin B6 deficiency causes decreased liver metabolism of estrogen, causing an excess of estrogen. American women are so deficient on vitamin B6 it was discovered in the early 1940's. The process of refining flour eliminates the B vitamins altogether. Vitamin B6 is also destroyed in cooking and caning, and when foods are packaged. Pregnancy and birth control pills also lead to B6 deficiency. Vitamin B6 deficiency is a major contributing factor to estrogen dominance. Vitamin E promotes progesterone production, while estrogen depletes vitamin E. The American diet has lost of many of its natural sources of vitamin E. Vitamin E is destroyed by food processing, refined carbohydrates, and light. Without necessary levels of vitamin E, estrogen dominance increases dramatically.


Xenohormones, or xenobiotics, are synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and plastics, which have estrogenic effects. They have become so pervasive in our environment’s estrogen levels are elevated to the point where they are suppressing the woman's LH (luteinizing hormone), the pituitary hormone that signals the ovaries to release the egg and to make progesterone. Xenohormones combine with estrogen receptor sites to: (1) activate estrogenic action; (2) induce extra estrogen receptors; (3) inhibit the ability of the liver to excrete estrogen; and (4) inhibit the effects of progesterone. The environment is so flooded with estrogen men as well as women suffer from estrogen dominance. In men there has been a 50% decrease in sperm count since 1938 and increased incidence of testicular and prostate cancer due to estrogen dominance.

MEDICAL CULTURE Doctors receive much of their medical education from the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is in the business of selling patented drugs; not in the business of educating the public concerning cheap, effective, non-patented natural medicines. The number of doctors who understand how to correct the problem of estrogen dominance is limited. Conventional doc-tors prescribe more estrogen and when estrogen makes matters worse, they recommend surgery. Too often unnecessary hysterectomies are performed with the ovaries being removed as well.

The dangers of estrogen are so well known the FDA insist-ed there be a warning insert with every prescription. The monied interests were so opposed to the FDA plan they took legal action to oppose it. Ayerst Pharmaceutical (makers of Premarin) joined with others basing their legal action on, "patent information would reduce sales of estrogen drugs and, therefore, reduce profits:' The U.S. National Women's Health Network introduced a brief in court in favor of the FDA, and the FDA won out. The insert with every HRT prescription clearly warns that estrogen increases the risk of cancer, blood clots, gallbladder disease, and other complications. The medical mindset of prescribing estrogen represents a victory of advertising over science. Doctors blithely prescribing estrogen for any type of PMS, premenopausal or menopausal symptom is irresponsible, dangerous, and has led to tragic consequences.


Progesterone's most important and powerful role in the woman's body is to balance or oppose estrogen. Some of the main effects of progesterone versus estrogen are listed below.

Estrogen Effects

Increases body fat

Breast cysts and fibroids

Salt and fluid retention

Depression and headaches

Interferes with thyroid

Blood clotting

Decreases sex drive

Impairs blood sugar control

Loss of zinc a retention of copper

Increased risk of endometrial cancer

Increased risk of breast cancer

Retains osteoclast function


Progesterone Effects

Uses fat for energy

Protects against fibrocystic breasts

Natural diuretic

Natural anti-depressant

Facilitates thyroid

Normalizes blood clotting

Restores female sex drive

Normalizes blood sugar levels

Normalizes zinc and copper levels

Prevents endometrial cancer

Prevents breast cancer

Simulates osteoclasts

Comparison of effects indicates a near perfect balance between progesterone and estrogen. Natural progesterone is essential to counter-act and balance the negative effects of estrogen dominance.


Prior to menopause when estrogen and progesterone levels begin to drop, menstrual cycles become irregular. Doctors now refer to this transitional period as perimenopause. Scientific and empirical evidence leave no doubt that estrogen dominance induces and speeds the onset of perimenopause. During this transitional period women are subjected to a bewildering number of physical and emotional symptoms, some of which are PMS-like in nature, others are more typical of the post-menopausal woman. How does a woman tell whether she has PMS, is perimenopausal, or is it estrogen dominant?

PMS symptoms onset after ovulation, increase in number and intensity until menstruation. After menses, the symptoms will subside to a large degree on their own. With ovulation, once again symptoms return and increase greatly in intensity. This cycle recurs over and over in women that suffer from classic PMS.

After menses, progesterone levels are higher than estrogen levels. Estrogen is dominant in these women all the time. This estrogen activity cause symptoms to be continually present, and their symptoms do not subside with menses. These women are truly estrogen dominant and this condition causes peri-menopausal symptoms.

This is a simplified explanation of a very complex problem. The truth is that it is difficult to tell where PMS symptoms end and perimenopausal conditions begin. The conditions tend to overlap, and it is nearly impossible to tell whether a woman suffers from one condition exclusive of the other. It is known that estrogen dominance greatly aggravates PMS, perimenopause, and menopausal symptoms.

PMS and perimenopause are a multifactorial problem. Progesterone is often necessary but is not enough to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of PMS or perimenopause. Deficiencies especially of magnesium, B6, vitamin E, zinc and iron are essential to combat PMS and perimenopausal symptoms.

MENSTRUVIT is an all-natural herbal combination specifically formulated to relieve and prevent the symptoms of PMS and perimenopause.

Due to the synergetic effect of MENSTRUVIT there is a progressive decrease in the number of symptoms and their intensity on a month to month basis. Maximum relief is achieved after three to four consecutive menstrual cycles of taking MENSTRU-VIT.

To eliminate all the underlying causes of PMS and perimenopausal symptoms, MENSTRUVIT may be used as an adjunct to, but cannot replace the need for Progesterone.


Old bone crystallizes, becomes brittle and is more prone to break. This old bone must be dissolved before new bone formation can take place. Osteoclasts move through the bones eating the old bone out in a process reoffered to as osteoblasting. Osteoblasting creates lacuna's in the bones, little lakes of nothing. New bone growth occurs in these lacuna's, generating a constant process of bone regeneration. Osteoclasts are driven by progesterone; inhibited by estrogen. When women become deficient in progesterone, the osteoclasts become sluggish. For women taking estrogen, the situation is made worse by the fact that estrogen slows up the osteoclasts. For years the drug companies have made the claim that estrogen protects bone loss; it does not; it does not! Estrogen slows down he body's normal process of bone regeneration, creating brittle bones, decreasing bone density, and increasing osteoporosis.

Progesterone is necessary, but not enough for new bone formation. Progesterone makes new bone growth possible by stimulating the osteoclasts; however, progesterone does not create new bone growth. Scientific and clinical studies leave no doubt bone growth can only be achieved with calcium/magnesium supplementation. The world's foremost authority on osteoporosis, the National Institute of Health, urges post-menopausal women to ingest 1200 mg daily of calcium. Because of its availability and low cost, Dolomite is the most commonly promoted form of calcium, absorbed by the human body, and absorbed into the bones and teeth. Dolomite is the only supplement combining calcium and magnesium, ideal for gut absorption and for proper bone alignment. Clinical studies have shown that calcium has a significant impact on preventing and reversing post-menopausal bone loss and the effect of increasing bone density is not temporary but long term and lasting. To eliminate all the underlying causes of menopausal symptoms and to prevent osteoporosis, Dolomite may be used as an adjunct to, but cannot replace the need for Progesterone.


Many companies on the internet claim their progesterone cream contains "real progesterone". Checking the ingredient list reveals they are using Wild Mexican Yam, or Mexican Wild Yam Root Extract, or pharmaceutical grade or pharmaceutical quality progesterone. These are all code words for the same product, Diosgenin.

The human body does not produce the enzymes necessary to convert Diosgenin, the active component of Wild Mexican Yam, into progesterone.

Clinical studies have shown beyond a doubt Mexican Yam or Diosgenin, does not increase progesterone levels in the human body. Only USP progesterone powder is bio-identical in every way to progesterone produced by the corpus luteum. Only USP natural progesterone will produce saliva and serum levels of progesterone.

Dr. Norman's is the one and only progesterone cream on the market that contains 1000/o pure micronized USP progesterone powder in a topical cream using pilosceutical encapsulation. There is no other cream on the market that can possibly provide the benefits of real natural progesterone cream.


Taken orally, progesterone is transported to the liver where 80 to 90% of it is removed from the body. Only 10 to 20% of oral dosed progesterone gets to the body as progesterone.

Transdermal creams are the safest and most effective way to get the proper physiologic dose of progesterone.

Lipoceutical Encapsulation

Using such conventional delivery systems such as creams, gels, ointments, and lotions, no more than 30% of the active ingredient can permeate the skin. Liposomes are highly microscopic vesicles composed of membrane-like lipid spheres, liposomes permeate deep into the skin for sustained release, providing a higher concentration of the active ingredient to the site of action, while eliminating skin irritation. Dr. Norman's Progesterone uses lipoceutical encapsulation to deliver 100% of the progesterone to the lower layers of the skin, increasing the concentration in the epidermis and dermis, and then providing a prolonged time-release action throughout the entire day. This unique technology gives Dr. Norman's Progesterone a quantum leap in topical delivery.


It's impossible to accurately measure any woman's hormone levels because they fluctuate so much. Dosage varies from woman to woman, must be monitored, and often adjusted. There is no universally acceptable dosage for Progesterone. Becoming aware of your symptoms and their patterns and dose accordingly.


How often should I apply Progesterone Cream? There are those who recommend that application of progesterone be suspended for a period each month, usually seven to ten days. Failing to apply Progesterone when a woman is estrogen dominant will simply lead to greater estrogen dominance. Listen to your body. Apply Progesterone as often as necessary to rid your-self of symptoms. For many women this means applying the cream every single day.

APPLICATION Dr. Norman's Progesterone is best applied to the back of the elbows and knees, the flat of the stomach and can be applied to the face. bets results are achieved when it is applied two or three times a day, spread over a larger surface than a smaller surface. Progesterone can help to induce sleep and for this reason the applications during the day are lighter, with a heavier application made at night to realize a good night's sleep.

1,650 mg. of natural USP micronized progesterone powder in a 3-ounce jar, encapsulated in liposomes in a natural cream base.

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